Exploring the Essence of Unity: Is Everybody One?


In a world where individuality is celebrated, the question “Is everybody one?” invites us to explore a deeper layer of our existence. This inquiry is not just philosophical but also practical, as it touches upon our understanding of interconnectedness, the role of ego, and the power of pure awareness. This article delves into these concepts and offers insights into how we can experience this unity in our daily lives.

The Concept of Interconnectedness in Pure Awareness

Understanding Beyond Concepts: In the realm of pure awareness, interconnectedness is not a mere concept but a living reality. It’s an understanding that everything in the universe is interdependent and interconnected.

Transcending Mental Labels: When we perceive the world through pure awareness, without the ego’s interference, the artificial separations made by the mind begin to dissolve. We see the interdependence of all phenomena, transcending the usual distinctions.

The Illusion of Separation in Daily Life

Perceptions and Biases: Our everyday perceptions, shaped by individual biases, often obscure the reality of interconnectedness. We view ourselves as separate from others, a notion fostered by the mind’s attachment to an independent self.

The Role of the Ego: The ego strengthens this illusion of separation, making us believe in our distinctiveness from the world around us.

Experiencing Interconnectedness: A Step-by-Step Approach

  1. Notice Your Environment: Start by observing your surroundings, paying attention to various objects and elements.
  2. Observe the Labels: Recognize how your mind labels each observation and understand the implications of these labels.
  3. Feel the Separation: Become aware of the sense of separation these labels create and explore its nature.
  4. Question the Labels: Challenge these labels and try to perceive objects without them.
  5. Experience Directly: Engage with your environment directly, beyond the labels, for a more intimate experience.
  6. Perceive Interconnectedness: In this state, open yourself to the interconnectedness of all things.
  7. Expand Your Awareness: Apply this approach to your thoughts, emotions, and interactions, observing the shift in perception.

Exploring the Essence of Unity: Is Everybody One?

Yes, all beings are interconnected. In the practice of pure awareness, this interconnection is understood beyond the conceptual level. When one perceives the world through pure awareness, without the filter of the ego or self-centered thoughts, it becomes clear that all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent. This realization transcends the usual distinctions and separations made by the mind.

In daily life, this interconnectedness is often obscured by our individual perceptions and biases. We see ourselves as separate entities, distinct from others and the world around us. However, this separation is an illusion created by the mind’s attachment to the concept of a distinct, independent self.

To directly experience the interconnectedness of all phenomena and understand how mental labels create separation, follow these steps with openness and curiosity. This process encourages you to engage with pure awareness, stepping beyond the confines of conceptual thinking and ego-driven perceptions.

Step 1: Notice Your Immediate Environment

Start by observing your immediate surroundings. Pay attention to the objects, beings, and elements around you. This could be anything from a chair, a tree, your own body, to the sound of traffic outside.

Step 2: Observe the Labels

Notice how your mind automatically labels each observation. For example, when you see a tree, your mind might label it as “tree,” and with that label, a host of associated concepts and judgments may arise, such as “green,” “tall,” or “beautiful.” Observe this labeling process without trying to change or judge it.

Step 3: Feel the Separation

As you become aware of these labels, observe how they create a sense of separation between you and the object of your observation. The label “tree” not only categorizes the object but also subtly reinforces the notion of “me” as separate from “tree.” Feel into this sense of separation and notice its qualities. Is it rigid? Is it natural?

Step 4: Question the Labels

Now, gently question these labels. Ask yourself, “Without this label, what is this experience?” Try to perceive the tree (or any object of focus) without the mental commentary, without the label “tree,” and without the baggage that comes with it.

Step 5: Experience Directly

Allow yourself to experience the object directly, beyond the labels. This might feel like a more intimate or immediate experience of colors, shapes, textures, and the sense of being in relation to it, without the intermediary of language.

Step 6: Perceive Interconnectedness

In this space of direct experience, open yourself to the sense of interconnectedness. Observe how the tree and you are part of a larger whole, connected through air, space, light, and existence itself. Notice how this feeling contrasts with the sense of separation created by labels.

Step 7: Expand Your Awareness

Finally, expand this practice beyond the immediate object. Apply this approach of removing labels and experiencing direct interconnectedness to your thoughts, emotions, and interactions with others. Observe how the sense of separation shifts when labels are seen for what they are—convenient, but limited mental constructs.

Remember, this process is not about achieving a specific state but about cultivating an ongoing practice of seeing through the illusion of separation created by our labels and concepts. It’s a journey toward experiencing the world and ourselves with pure awareness, free from the confines of the ego


Notice, too, how the mind will create new mental constructs around this discovery, labelling and identifying the labels as “me”, thus, if not careful, a new spiritual ego emerges 😀

FAQs on “Is Everybody One?”

What Does “Is Everybody One?” Really Mean?

It means understanding that at a fundamental level, all beings and phenomena are interconnected and interdependent, transcending the usual separations created by our minds.

How Does Pure Awareness Change Our Perception of Unity?

Pure awareness allows us to experience the world without the ego’s filters, revealing the interconnected nature of all things.

Why Do We Normally Feel Separated from Others?

This feeling of separation stems from our ego and mind’s attachment to the concept of a distinct, independent self.

Can We Practically Experience This Unity?

Yes, by following the outlined steps, we can begin to directly experience the interconnectedness of all phenomena.

What is the Role of Ego in Our Perception of Separation?

The ego reinforces the illusion of separation by maintaining the belief in our distinctiveness from others and the world.

Is Achieving Pure Awareness a Finite Goal?

No, it’s an ongoing practice of experiencing the world with an awareness that transcends the ego and mental constructs.


In conclusion, the question “Is everybody one?” opens up a pathway to understanding the interconnected nature of existence. Through the practice of pure awareness, we can begin to experience this unity, moving beyond the confines of the ego and mental labels. It’s a journey of continual exploration and realization, leading us to a more harmonious and interconnected way of living.

Phan Y Ly



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